Salasaca, Ecuador

Walking Home After School
I volunteered for about a month teaching English and math in a rural Quicha community called Salasaca.
Sumak Kawsay Yachay, or SKY, was founded for the advancement of education in the community of Salasaca, Ecuador. The SKY school is dependent on private donations and volunteers as teachers, with about thirty kids from ages 4-17 attending. The organization also has a library for the Salasacan community, which has 3 computers with free-internet and hundreds of books in both English and Spanish. We also taught free English courses to the Salasacan adults after working hours, whose passion and gratitude made them some of my favorite students.
To read some of my journal entries written
while living in Salasaca, please click here.
To view photos, click here.

Quichua Art Representing Life in the Sierra