todo es posible en ecuador



Meditacion II, 1994

Oswaldo Guayasamin, 1919-1999, is a world-renowned artist from Quito, known for depicting the strife that indigenous and mestizaje (mixed-race) peoples have endured.


He is an empowering figure for Latin America's indigenous communities, which is why I have chosen to incorporate him throughout this website.

Las Manos de La Protesta
Guayasamin's paintings reveal the suffering caused by 20th century political repression, detention, and violence. In Las Manos de la Protesta (The Hands of Protest), the shouting face & clenched hands help to depict the era's pain and loss.

This painting particularly resonates here, as the indigenous communities within Ecuador have recently been gaining political rights due to their mobilization and protests. Check out the Current Issues page for more information.


El Guitarrista, 1977
La Maternidad, 1986

Famous Quote from Quayasamin Museum

"Yo llore porque no tenia zapatos hasta que vi un nino que no tenia pies."
 "I cried because I didn't have shoes until I saw a kid who didn't have feet."

quote represents Guaysamin's interest in social change and in our collective obligation to help one another through difficult times.